
Woman with h和s on her chest sitting on the floor in her bedroom in 冥想.

We all have stress – at work, at home 和 on the road. Sometimes we can feel especially stressed because of a bad interaction with someone, too much work or everyday hassles like getting stuck in traffic.

Chronic stress can keep you from feeling 和 performing your best – mentally, 身体上和情感上. But no one’s life is completely stress-free. It’s important to know how to manage the stress in your life. These three simple techniques may help you deal with stress.

1. 积极的自我暗示

Let’s be honest, we all talk to ourselves! Sometimes we talk out loud, but usually we do it in our heads. Self-talk can be positive (“I can do this” or “Everything will be OK”) or negative (“I’ll never get better” or “I’m so stupid”). 消极的自言自语会增加压力. 积极的自我暗示 can help you calm down 和 manage stress. With practice, you can learn to shift negative thoughts to positive ones. 例如:


  • 与其说, “I can’t do this,“说, “I’ll do the best I can. 我有这个.”

  • 与其说, “我讨厌这种事情发生,“说, “I know how to deal with this – I’ve done it before.”

  • 与其说, “I feel helpless 和 alone,“说, “I can reach out 和 get help if I need it.”

  • 与其说, “I can’t believe I screwed up,“说, “I’m human, 和 we all make mistakes. 我可以修复它.”

To really make it work, practice positive self-talk every day. 你可以在车里做, 在你的办公桌前, before you go to bed or whenever you notice negative thoughts. It’s a great practice to teach kids, too!

2. 十大紧急压力停止剂

Emergency stress-stoppers are actions to help you defuse stress in the moment. You may need different stress-stoppers for different situations, 有时候把它们结合起来会有帮助.


  1. 在你说话或做出反应之前数到10.
  2. Take a few slow, deep breaths until you feel your body un-clench a bit.
  3. Go for a walk, even if it’s just to the restroom 和 back. It can give you a chance to think things through.
  4. 试一试 冥想 或者祈祷得到一些观点.
  5. If it’s not urgent, sleep on it 和 respond tomorrow. This works especially well for stressful emails 和 social media trolls.
  6. Walk away from the situation for a while, 和 h和le it later once things have calmed down.
  7. Break down big problems into smaller parts. 一次只走一步.
  8. Turn on some chill music or an inspirational podcast to help you deal with road rage.
  9. 休息一下,抚摸一下狗, hug a loved one or do something to help someone else.
  10. 锻炼或做一些积极的事情. 锻炼 是缓解压力的良药吗.

3. 减压活动

Doing things you enjoy is a natural way to relieve stress 和 find your happy place. 即使你情绪低落, you may find pleasure in simple things like going for a walk, catching up with a friend or reading a good book.

当压力让你感觉不好的时候, do something that makes you feel good – even if only for 10 or 15 minutes.

Some of these stress-relieving activities may work for you:

  • Play with your kids or pets – outdoors, if possible.
  • 在大自然中散步.
  • 冥想或 练习瑜伽.
  • Work in the garden or do a home improvement project.
  • Go for a walk, run or bike ride to clear your head.
  • 读一本书、短篇小说或杂志.
  • 和朋友喝杯咖啡或吃顿饭.

The key is to find your groove 和 make it a practice. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you may start to feel better once you disrupt the cycle of stress.